So I haven't updated last week because of the #heatwave, I am located in Los Angeles after all.
it was to hot to stream games, much less actually get any work done. BTW I'm hella addicted to the #lostark grind. Most Addicting MMO I ever played, I am a Shadow Hunter Main. My Alt is a DeathBlade, and I'm looking to build a reaper upon release.
Now Lets Get into this.
you guys are probably wonder what my favorite switches are?
Well Probably Durock Linears, especially the Bespoke Keys Eva-001 Linears.
Then Regular Durock Linears, and Gateron INK Black v2s. Novel Key Silk Yellows are also a solid contender.
For Tactiles, I'm kind if meh, on browns, if anything use Gateron Browns. My Favorite Tactile switches are The Key Company, Kiwi Tactile Switches. I just love these for Tactile switches and want to try gaming with these for some odd reason.
As for clickies you guys know my opinion on clickies, I like Box Whites and Box Jades for not being annoying metal Maracas.
on my list of Switches to try are Gazzew Bobagum Linear Switches, Aqua Kings, King Fischer, Glorious Panda, and Glorious Lynx switches.
I do want to try some franken Switches like ice cream switches (Aqua kings, plus Novel Key Creams).
That's kind of all for today's update, nothing much.